Wednesday 3 January 2024

5 New Hair Resolutions for 2024

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to imagine and plan with purpose. Resolutions that are simple and attainable are often the most effective. This year, adding healthy habits to your routine is the best way to accomplish your new hair resolutions. 

Get inspired by these 5 new hair resolutions for healthy tresses.

Improve your Diet for Healthy Hair

Healthy hair grows from the scalp and is always an inside job, first. Eating healthy, staying hydrated and working on any vitamin deficiencies you may have will tremendously improve your overall health.

Check out this article to learn more about vitamins and minerals that you can incorporate to promote hair health and growth.


Create a hair care routine and stick to it. 

Sticking to a hair care routine that isn't overwhelming and doesn't have a million steps is easier. Decide on how often you'll do it and be consistent. Will it be weekly, bi-weekly or tri-weekly?

  • Cleanse- clean your scalp and hair
  • Condition- hydrate, nourish and strengthen hair
  • Moisturize- scalp care (oiling) and hydrating hair strands
  • Style- wear styles that you love and help to maintain the health of your ends

Make Deep Conditioning a Priority

Whether you decide to deep condition each time you wash your hair or once a month- don't skip it. Deep conditioning is the step in your wash routine where you hydrate and nourish your hair. Less breakage and damage equal length retention.

Decide that Hair Care is your Self-Care

When life gets busy, it's easy to neglect taking care of ourselves. Make a decision to take care of your whole self body, mind and hair. Consider the time and care you invest as a form of love for yourself and appreciation for the body God has given. 

Work with your Hair, not against it 

Instead of fighting your hair texture, learn to love it the way it is. Choose styles that suit your face and work with your hair. YouTube University and Pinterest are great places to look for styles. 

Cheers to a new year and new hair goals! 

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