
Monday 14 August 2023

5 Tips for Regrowth after Hair Loss

Experiencing hair loss can be heartbreaking. Knowing that it is a phase that will not last forever is important. 

Hair loss can occur due to hormone imbalances, genetic contributions, stress, nutritional deficiencies, health complications, fungus on the scalp, or poor hair styling practices. 

Today's blog post will feature five (5) tips that are helpful when recovering from hair loss. Once there is no permanent scarring, the hair can grow and flourish again. 

Tip 1

Tackle the root cause

Identifying the root cause will help to resolve the hair loss issue. 


What is the cause of the hair loss? Was it stress? Poor nutrition? A medication you've been taking? It may be a good idea to consult your doctor for a proper evaluation. Arming yourself with your health information is needed to address the issue. Topical treatments are helpful; however, growing healthy hair starts from the inside. 

Tip 2

Up your nutrition game

A lack of vital nutrients can contribute to hair loss. Our hair follicles are the last to receive nutrients from the food we eat. When there is a lack of those necessary nutrients the hair may take a big hit. Upp-ing your iron, omega 3s, and essential vitamins will correct the deficiency and encourage hair growth.

Tip 3

Treat your hair with care

Grieving the hair you once had can be emotionally challenging. But, creating a routine to allow you and your hair to recover can be a lifesaver. Think of wash days as self-care days and create an experience that caters to your hair needs and makes you feel good.

Tip 4

Scalp massages

Scalp massage improves blood flow which is essential for scalp health. When massaging your scalp, gently press with your fingers (not your fingernails) and move in circular motions. 

A combination of oils and consistency can improve hair health and growth. Evidence suggests using essential oils such as lavender and rosemary can help with regrowth after hair loss. Also, ayurvedic herbs like Fenugreek, and Amla, can improve scalp health and hair growth. 

I've tried castor oil, coconut oil, and a few tablespoons of fenugreek to stimulate hair growth and I saw improvements in my hair while I used it. With every DIY, always do a patch test to check for allergic reactions to the ingredients. 

Tip 5

Say goodbye to damaging styles

The new goal will be to regrow the hair. It is time to say goodbye to styles that won't help to achieve this goal.

Instead, try styles that will help you look and feel good but also be good for your hair. Pinterest is one of my favourite places to look for hairstyles. 

Click here to look through some styles on my natural hair board.

I am practicing these tips and I want to visit a trichologist in the near future to take a look at my bald spot.

Have you experienced a setback in your hair journey? Hair loss? Serious damage? How did you deal with it?

Let's chat in the comments. 

Check out these videos for more information on hair loss

Hair Loss: Facts and Tips

How to Grow Your Edges

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting these tips! I’m going to try the scalp massages. It sounds awesome!
