Saturday 29 March 2014

Kurly Feature: Shornette McPherson

1. What was your big chop experience like?
My big chop was in May of last year and I was so nervous. Most importantly I felt free and confident. My boyfriend's response was good. He said, "This is fierce!." My mother didn't like it very much and my best friend wasn't very supportive. However, I enjoyed that I did something good for myself.

2. What do you think about the Natural Hair Movement?
It is great and quite inexpensive. I believe that this helps with the appreciation of oneself and fosters empowerment.

3. From personal experience, I've heard that natural hair isn't professional. What are your thoughts?
Professionalism starts with us accepting ourselves. It was based on the socialization that we had encountered throughout the years; that the straight look/ European look was the only norm. My mother relaxed my hair because it was against the school rules to wear twists.

4. Do you believe that the natural hair movement is a fad?
I do think some people are in it for the trend; however, not everyone is. As for myself I do it because I want to.

5. What influenced you to go natural?
I was having some personal issues and I felt like I needed to ground myself. I started to hate my hair; I felt alien to it. God was influential and I love it.  "This is God's little bush."

6. What's your regime like?
In the beginning I used the curly pudding and Indian hemp by Blue Magic. I would wet my hair and apply both products and do twists. As for shampooing I'd normally do it once a month; cowashing mostly. I don't really use the Indian hemp but rather the castor oil from the same brand (Blue Magic). I steam my hair with egg, mango, lime and aloe vera mixture, sometimes adding in conditioner. How could I forget I also prepoo with a conditioner.

7. What would you tell someone who wanted to go natural?

1. Do not go natural for anybody else
2. Do not be impatient
3. Not too zealous
4. Know if you really want to go natural
5. Know the purpose for going natural
6. Find which journey or process is best. Whether it be transitioning or the big chop
7. Do not be swayed by people's comments.
8. Leave your hair alone if you having difficulties.

Keep up with Shornette:
Facebook: Shornette McPherson
IG: @Shornie

Happy Featuring!

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