Monday 9 May 2022

Life Update | Why I Stopped Blogging

Where do I begin?

Hello there.

Happy (inserts all the holidays we've missed sharing together) to you!

It has been a while since I have talked to you all. I thought I was coming back full speed ahead when I made my last blog post in 2019. But, I'm accepting that things do not always go the way I intend them to. 

Truth is... this journey of life for me has been challenging.

It's been a whirlwind of loss, pain and everything in between. For a great portion of the last year, I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore because I got lost in all of life's hardships. And I just stopped doing many of the things I loved. 

Sidenote* Now, the aim of this post isn't to make this a sappy sad story. 

Absolutely not! 

However, I do think it is fair to share an update with you as I hope to get back into blogging.

The Beginning

I got married and then started a new career in January 2020- I was excited and nervous about all that was to come. I soon quickly realized that I was completely clueless about what to expect with anything in life. 

I lost my aunt in February 2020 and then came our country's first covid case the following month. My contract at work ended a few months later and it was then back to job hunting. I caught covid in September of the same year and the entire time I was quarantined at home I thought heavily about not allowing myself to be irresponsible that someone would catch it from me. 

The following year (2021), picture a hurricane uprooting a tree. Do you see it? 

That was my year and I was not well emotionally or mentally. There are some things that are too personal to share. And others, yo girl is still going through it. But, I am in a much better space emotionally and mentally. I do still have my down days but I don't feel like I am buried in a hole and can't find my way out. 

The Middle -August 2021

I cut my hair off 

I didn't plan to but it turned out to be an amazing idea. My hair was feeling so unhealthy and it was understandable since I wasn't ok. But, it really was the beginning of something beautiful because it was the spark for relearning myself and my hair. 

At the Beginning again- December 2021

The last few months of that year were the toughest. I believe it was the ending of this year and the beginning of 2022 that two of what I considered my most valuable friendships, ended.

 In all of life's beauty: there is also sorrow. But, I didn't want to be sorrowful anymore. I wanted to bloom.

And so I did. I tried to start the new year with a new perspective and challenge myself not just to be full of potential and in my head. Rather being and creating. And doing what I could to reignite the fire within.

I am excited to start creating and sharing content again.

See you soon.


  1. I had no idea you were a blogger. I’m sorry to hear of your loss but I’m happy that you have been able to find yourself again. Welcome back!

    1. Oh, yes. I started blogging in 2012. Your kind comment means a lot! Thank you.

  2. Thank you for sharing and inspiring! I feel so much of myself in this blog and I totally felt the part where you said you didn't want to be full of potential and in your head. Let's get it done!

    1. I love that! Let's get it done. Sending love and light to you.
